B. megaterium Expression Systems

Mobitec’s Bacillus megaterium Protein Expression System provides a versatile and easy to handle tool for stable and high yield protein production.

B. megaterium has proven to be an excellent alternative host to E. coli for heterologous gene expression. Unlike other bacilli strains, proteolytic degradation by alkaline proteases is avoided, and there are no endotoxins found in the cell wall. As a result, protein yields are exceptionally high, accumulating up to 30% of the total soluble protein. Using the tightly regulated xylose operon, genes can be induced 130- to 350-fold without proteolysis.

This vector system consists of classic vectors, high performance vectors, control vectors, pre-transformed protoplasts, and a vector for constitutive expression.

Please note a license is required for commercial companies.  Please contact us for more information. 

Sales Price$743.00

Bacillus megaterium Protoplast

Strain WH320 (BMEG02)

Sales Price$1,147.00
Sales Price$166.00
Sales Price$2,790.00