Bioron DNA Extraction Kits

Bioron provides a selection of DNA extraction kits optimized for different types of samples and applications. The Ron’s line of DNA extraction kits feature specially designed spin columns and an advanced buffer system that effectively removes inhibitors and other contaminants. A magnetic bead-based DNA purification kit is also available, for use in manual and automated extraction.


MagicMag Rack

Cat#: BI87000

Sales Price$589.00
Sales Price$164.00
50 Preps

Ron's Cell-free DNA Extraction Kit

Sample Volume of 500µl-1ml (Cat# 804050)

Sales Price$475.00
MagicMag Rack (Optional) 

Ron's Gel Extraction Mini Kit

50 Preps (Cat# 802501)

Sales Price$113.00

Ron's PCR-Pure Mini Kit

50 Preps (Cat# 806493)

Sales Price$113.00

Ron's Plasmid Mini Kit

50 Preps (Cat# 806942)

Sales Price$94.00

Ron's Tissue & Blood DNA Mini Kit

50 Preps (Cat# 803496)

Sales Price$150.00

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