GeneFix HT Format DNA/RNA Saliva Collectors, Pack of 50

Xtra 3ml Collectors (Cat# GFXH1-03/50)
Sales Price$1,306.00

Saliva collectors for sampling, storage and transport optimized for automation.

The new GeneFix HT Format Collectors are automation-friendly saliva collectors to complement the existing GeneFix DNA/RNA Saliva Collectors.

GeneFix HT Format (GFXH1) Collectors contain a key fitting cap and locking base designed to fit automated de-capping machines. The collectors integrate into many existing racking systems.

Like the regular GeneFix Saliva Collectors, GFXH1 collectors are pre-filled with a non-toxic stabilization buffer that preserves DNA and viral RNA. The collector has a simple screw-on funnel for saliva delivery directly into the buffer. Once in the buffer, DNA is stabilized for 5 years and viral RNA is stabilized for 5 days at room temperature, with high yields maintained. The robust collection tubes are fully specified for sample transport and storage.

The GFXH1 collectors are available for 1ml saliva samples, 2ml saliva samples, and the Xtra Collect 3ml saliva samples for an extra high yield. Formats with 2D barcodes (GFXH2) are also available.

Below is a demonstration of how to use the GeneFix Saliva Collectors:

  • Optimized for automated processes with key fitting cap and locking base
  • Integrates into many existing racking systems
  • Integrated DNA/RNA stabilization buffer preserves high yields of DNA and viral RNA
  • DNA stabilized for 5+ years and viral RNA for 5 days at room temperature
  • Unique funnel design prevents spillages or buffer flow back
  • Total DNA yield in adults is 300μg/μl
  • Ready for transport; collection tube specified to 95kPa for leakproof mailing
  • Buffer inactivates common respiratory viruses
  • Saliva DNA and viral RNA collection and stabilization
  • COVID-19 saliva-based applications and testing
  • Population studies and genetics research
  • Clinical and academic research projects
  • DNA/viral RNA testing
  • GFXH1-01/50 - GeneFix HT Format Collectors for 1ml Saliva Samples x 50
  • GFXH1-02/50 - GeneFix HT Format Collectors for 2ml Saliva Samples x 50
  • GFXH1-03/50 - GeneFix Xtra HT Format Collectors for 3ml Saliva Samples x 50


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Explore the complete range of GeneFix Saliva Collectors and kits.



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Used in genotyping, sequencing, diagnostics, and more.

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