SmartHotTaq DNA Polymerase is a recombinant Taq Polymerase optimized with AntiTaq antibodies for an easy reaction set-up at room temperature!
SmartHotTaq DNA Polymerase 5 U/µl is a genetically modified recombinant Taq polymerase with high specifity. Blocking with anti-Taq DNA polymerase monoclonal antibodies allows reaction set-up at room temperature. Fragments up to 5 kb can be amplified. The PCR products are free of unspecific products and primer-dimers. Suitable especially for assays with high Multiplex grade or inhibitor residues.
The polymerase is supplied with three different 10x buffers (with and without MgCl2) and additional MgCl2 for universal application on customers side.
SmartHot Taq DNA Polymerase is also available as SmartTaq without antibody.
Concentration: 5 units/µl
Storage: -18 °C to - 22 °C for long term, + 2 to + 8 °C for short term
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